SDC Journal
I’m the Columns Editor, and occasionally a contributor, for the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society’s magazine, SDC Journal. Some recent highlights include:
A feature about regional theatre pioneer Zelda Fichandler and the two books that helped me think past frequently used descriptions like “titan” and “matriarch” to learn more about her life and legacy.
Working with the legendary (and delightful) Joanne Akalaitis, interviewing Pam MacKinnon about her production of Big Data, and giving up-and-comer Arnaldo Galban some space for one of my favorite columns ever, on directing in Cuba and the U.S., all in one issue.
An interview with Irish theatre director Gary Hynes about Druid Theatre’s Druid O’Casey project (click to page 12).
Creative Nonfiction
I sometimes write flash nonfiction for various publications.
Night Driving, for Passengers Journal
Click / Capture, which won an Honorable Mention in Exposition Review’s monthly Flash 405 contest.
Center for NYC Neighborhoods
I wrote and edited blog posts for the Center for NYC Neighborhoods’ two blogs: one for the Center itself (first hosted on the Center website, then on Medium.com) and one on the FloodHelpNY.
Center for NYC Neighborhoods
FloodHelpNY.org (author, scroll down to view individual posts)